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Swim EP

Standard Swim Earplugs

Our standard Swim Earplug is made of a medium density silicone, making it slightly positive in buoyancy so they float! Great for eliminating water from entering the ear canal in a simple tried and true earplug. In addition to blocking out water, our standard Swim Earplug is a great earplug for sound reduction as well. Get two great earplugs in one with our Standard Swim Earplug!

Our Standard Swim Earplugs are great at protecting against water getting into the ear canal, but they also reduce sound similar to a standard earplug. If you're looking for protection against water, but want to maintain normal hearing levels, check out our Duck Dive Earplugs here.


  • Protect your ears from water
  • Reduce the chance of infection if you have a perforated ear drum
  • Reduces the risk of surfers ear in cold climates
  • Great at reducing noise/sound
  • Comfortable to wear for 8 hours or more
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